A fiber-optic Internet connection can increase your speed, bandwidth, and security, making it a no-brainer way to modernize your business technology.
A fiber-optic Internet connection can increase your speed, bandwidth, and security, making it a no-brainer way to modernize your business technology. There are many ways that making the switch to fiber-optic Internet can benefit your business, and partnering with the right information technology professionals can help your business increase productivity and growth. Here are just 5 reasons to consider switching your business to a fiber-optic Internet connection.
Save on Costs
When it comes down to it, issues with your Internet connectivity speed cost your business in terms of time and productivity. Weather issues and regional problems can cause your cable Internet connection to be unreliable, seriously impacting productivity. With a fiber-optic connection, your business will save in the event of any weather-related incidents or cable issues. You will also have the option to move several of your IT services to the cloud to save on costs.
Stronger Signal
With your cable Internet service, proximity impacts the strength of your signal. Computers and other equipment that are set up further from the switch will have an unreliable or weak signal compared to closer equipment. With a fiber-optic connection, the signal stays stronger at a greater distance, making for fewer connectivity issues throughout your business.
Cable Internet connection uses copper wiring, which is simply not as strong as fiber-optic cables. This means that during inclement weather or accidents that would damage cables and interrupt your service, a fiber-optic connection is more likely to remain intact. A fiber-optic connection is also resistant to a number of human interferences that impact cables since you need to physically cut fiber-optic connections to interfere with them.
Increased Security
Since you cannot interfere with a fiber-optic cable without actually cutting into the line, fiber-optic connections are far more secure than cable Internet. While hackers can more easily access cable Internet connections, making the switch to fiber-optic connectivity will actually increase network security for your business. This is a very important consideration to ensure your business, and your customer information is safe.
Consider your business’s need for data transmission. Does your Internet slow down as the demand on your network increases? This is much less of a problem with a fiber-optic Internet connection, which offers much higher bandwidth availability. This can help ensure your business is operating smoothly.
En-Net Services Can Help Today
Experience a superior method of getting the public sector technology solutions you need through forming a partnership with En-Net Services. Our seasoned team members are familiar with the distinct purchasing and procurement cycles of state and local governments, as well as Federal, K-12 education, and higher education entities. En-Net is a certified Maryland Small Business Reserve with contract vehicles and sub-contracting partnerships to meet all contracting requirements.
To find out more about our hardware services, printing, and imaging services, or to hear more about how a dynamic team can help meet your information technology needs, send us an email or give us a call at (301)-846-9901 today!