Fiber optic cables are an essential tool for networking purposes, many might not know what the science behind that technology is.
Fiber optic cables are a game-changer. While it is common knowledge that fiber optic cables are an essential tool for networking purposes, many might not know what the science behind that technology is. Optical fiber is a glass drawn out to a certain length and diameter, usually just slightly bigger than a human hair, which could then be used to transmit light. The light transmission could be used for many different applications, including visible light displays, sensors, and of course, high-speed internet and networking. In this blog, we will explain why optical fiber is useful, what the major types are, and how it can help your business. Read on to learn more!
Why Go With Optical Fiber?
Compared to their metal counterparts, such as copper wiring, optical fiber is more reliable because of their immunity to electromagnetic interference. Additionally, fiber optics allows for the transmission of data across longer distances while maintaining higher bandwidths. Fiber cables are also less susceptible to potential water damage than something similar, like copper. These features alone would make optical fiber a much more competitive force within the tech world, but it is affordable and secure. One drawback to fiber, though, is that there’s a transmission loss over long distances, although this can be mitigated on the type of fiber deployed.
Single-Mode Optical Fiber
With single-mode optical fibers, there is a smaller diameter core that only allows for a single mode of light to pass through. This cuts back the amount of light leakage, which can help signals travel across longer distances. Using lasers as a light source, single-mode fiber is used for longer distances, and typically is utilized by telecommunication companies, universities with big campuses and networks, and government agencies.
Multimode Optical Fiber
Bolstered by a more significant diameter core, meaning more modes of light can pass through, multimode optical fibers are perfect when you need a larger amount of information to come through. Using LEDs or VCSELs as their primary source, multimode fibers are usually limited to a length of about 500 meters (1,640 feet). The higher rates of dispersion and attenuation lead to a signal loss over longer distances. This is why these cables are normally utilized within data centers or for Local Area Network purposes.
En-Net Services Can Help Today
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