Functioning servers are crucial to the daily operations of your organization!
Setting up your server room can be a tricky task, not only are there a lot of valuable materials monetary wise, but their effectiveness and security is part of what fuels your business. With that in mind, making sure you have a well set up server room is crucial.
Rack Mount To Save Space
Ordinarily, small businesses start by setting their equipment up on a desk or shelf in a stacked fashion, but this quickly becomes a messy and easily disrupted situation. One coffee cup mishap or a foot caught in wires and your expensive and vital equipment can be taken out. A rack mount allows you to set up your server equipment in an organized, out of the way fashion so that it is all safe and secure. Keep in mind that there are a variety of rack options and different servers will fit on different racks. Check with your manufacturer to ensure that you choose the right setup for your system.
Reduce Noise By Isolating Servers
If you happen to be lucky enough to have a full server room, you may not notice, but servers can create quite a bit of noise. If possible, keeping your servers isolated or partitioned off from work areas can help keep the distracting noise levels at a low while also protecting your servers.
Add an Ac Unit
Along with being noisy, servers can make more than their fair share of heat. Add an air conditioning unit to the area you’ll be keeping your servers in to keep both the machines and your employees from overheating.
Manage Wires
While it may not be the most fun, keeping your wires under control can save you a lot of trouble in the long run. Eliminate as many unnecessary cables as possible to help minimize the mess, then keep the remaining numbers as safe and organized as possible.
Add Labels
Creating labels and setup documentation is essential for keeping your system running smoothly. Not only will it help in case of IT staff changes, but it means that the risks of mistakes are lessened significantly.
En-Net Services Can Help Today
Experience a superior method of getting the public sector technology solutions you need through forming a partnership with En-Net Services. Our seasoned team members are familiar with the distinct purchasing and procurement cycles of state and local governments, as well as Federal, K-12 education, and higher education entities. En-Net is a certified Maryland Small Business Reserve with contract vehicles and sub-contracting partnerships to meet all contracting requirements.
To find out more about our hardware services, printing, and imaging services, or to hear more about how a dynamic team can help meet your information technology needs, send us an email or give us a call at (301)-846-9901 today!