How to Properly Budget for Cyber-Security

How to Properly Budget for Cyber-Security

Maintaining a strong cyber-security defense is no different than budgeting for the cost of electricity or the internet for your business.

It’s hard to go through any news site or station nowadays and not see a new development or report of yet another cyber-security breach at an organization. The damage and devastation that can be caused is significant. Maintaining a strong cyber-security defense is no different than budgeting for the cost of electricity or the internet for your business – it is essential to any safe workplace now. If your organization is not making cyber-security a top priority, here are some suggestions on how to plan a proper budgeting system for cyber-security for your business.

The Internet of Things

We’ve all heard a great deal about the Internet of Things in recent years. However, many wonder when the actuality will live up to the hype. Hackers within the last two or so years have been taking shots at connected devices, looking for crafty and creative ways to invade your networks and data. Nothing is truly safe, as everything from wearables to connected attachments and smart speakers are all susceptible to the new generation of hackers. This type of vulnerability is preventable for the most part, as long as you are prioritizing cyber-security and actively managing endpoints and connectivity within your company.

Ransomware Costs

Ransomware is no joke for organizations financially – and the cost of it is growing every year. Ransomware damage has cost companies millions of dollars, and at its current rate, it will begin to cost companies more to clean up after it. Organizations regularly lose access to their records but usually can quickly return their business operations to full speed if they had previously invested in a reliable form of backup and disaster recovery solutions. If your company cannot regain operations within a couple of days, it can lead to long-term damage to both the reputation and services of your organization. This is why it is so crucial to budget for proper cyber-security.

Email Attacks

One of the most common methods for hackers to attack organizations today is through something people use various times a day: emails. Phishing emails are becoming more common, as hackers look for specified information about particular individuals on social media, the news, or word of mouth, and then leverage that knowledge to create an all-out custom attack. These hackers then can create felonious requests to the individual, which can both hurt them and the company (usually financially). Organizations must consider strong education programs for employees to know what to look out for in these situations. Cyber-security issues are severe, and everyone involved should know the warning signs for a potential attack.

En-Net Services Can Help Today

Experience a superior method of getting the public sector technology solutions you need through forming a partnership with En-Net Services. Our seasoned team members are familiar with the distinct purchasing and procurement cycles of state and local governments, as well as FederalK-12 education, and higher education entities. En-Net is a certified Maryland Small Business Reserve with contract vehicles and sub-contracting partnerships to meet all contracting requirements.

To find out more about our hardware servicesprinting, and imaging services, or to hear more about how a dynamic team can help meet your information technology needs, send us an email or give us a call at (301)-846-9901 today!

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